Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why does Hamas think that it has so much power?
Because it is getting International legitimacy?
Not too long ago, America and other nations said that this entity was a 
terrorist organization and it still is.
Israel is caught up in the "less are killed",
so you must be bad.

Wake up, the Hamas caused the Palestinians to be killed forcefully by using them as pawns of this war.
There is plenty of evidence to prove this fact.

Why would you think that a Peace-Loving Nation would want to bomb or kill people?

"Israel cannot be a prisoner of Hamas. Operation Protective Edge must end with a mortal blow to Hamas’s capabilities, eliminating the leaders of Hamas and achieving deterrence,"

"It is time for the Israeli government to keep its promises to the public, bring back the security to the citizens of Israel and stop the rocket fire into Israel in general and communities in the south in particular,”

"It seems there is no other way," emphasized Regev. “All attempts to reach an agreement with Hamas have ended and are doomed to fail because it is a dangerous terrorist organization which aims to destroy Israel. We have seen that all the diplomatic elements cannot influence a terrorist organization.”


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